
Showing posts from October, 2024

RPGaDay2024 Day 31 - Game or Gamer You Miss

This is a fitting question for the end of "1 month" of themed RPG game blogging, which only took me 63 days to complete. There are games I've played that I really miss, and I'm going to provide a few examples from different categories. Game from A Large Company Large companies have resources, but they also have expectations from shareholders, and the ability to make a lot more money by investing in the right games. In 2005, Fantasy Flight Games published a unique game called Fireborn . The basic concept was that you were the reincarnation or spiritual successor of ancient dragons, and had some of their attributes in modern age. Characters were quite powerful, probably 5th level in D&D terms, at first level. The combat and magic systems were interesting, and there was a lot of variation between different characters. What made it really unique, though, was that while most of the game was played in modern times, you would also "flash back" to when you were