2023 GenCon Report Part 1: What Was New

(Dork Tower August 14, 2002 by John Kovalic) Last week, I attended my 29th GenCon ("The Best Four Days in Gaming") in Indianapolis, IN. As always, it was a delightful whirlwind of games, shopping, and friends, though this year you could really feel the crowds with a record 70,000 attendees. I wore a mask for the exhibit hall and any movement through big crowds in the hallways, because that's 69,992 people around me that I don't know. One of the things I really enjoy at GenCon is seeing how the industry is changing, year-over-year. The biggest theme in the exhibit hall this year was definitely new dice. I found that surprising since there are always numerous dice vendors, with wide assortments of must-have shiny math rocks. But this year, with people able to make their own dice with resin and other materials, it really seemed a step beyond. It's All About the Dice There were probably 10-12 new dice exhibitors this year. Chessex , Crystal Caste and Q Workshop al...