#RPGaDay2020 Day 21 - "Push"

A Whiny Revelation: The only thing worse that writing a trilogy is writing a trilogy when you didn't mean to. Yet that seems to be what I am about to do with today's essay. Two days ago, my prompt was the word "Tower" and the article ended up being about where I get my inspirations for new and interesting story ideas. Yesterday, the word was "Investigate", and I wrote about how I use study and investigation to present more realistic elements in my world building and the story elements I present to the players. And now, today's word is "Push" and I thought that I'd write about ways that I push outside of my own comfort zone to avoid retreading the same paths in my extended campaigns. And that is certainly a good topic...but it means I've written a trilogy on my creative process over the last three days--without meaning to. On to the Essay One's comfort zone is a great place to be safe and predictable and to know that you can handle w...